WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

6. "Pillman's Got This Pistol Out!"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_s-CKQzPmM Austin is no stranger when it comes to blood-pumping rivalries. Over his career he's made countless enemies and made a great many moments with every one of them; even before Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff Austin was rustling up trouble with other wrestlers, preferably 'Flyin' Brian Pillman. Both Austin and Pillman were great friends during their WCW campaign, and after Pillman signed on to the WWF they continued their friendship anew. But when Pillman began favouring and gravitating towards Bret Hart, Austin pitched in his annoyance with his friend and assaulted Pillman inside the ring whilst performing an interview. The rivalry began between both friends, the meet-ups continuing for several weeks. It was then decided by Austin to take the conflict to a new level by paying a visit to Pillman at his own home in Walton, Kentucky on November 4th of 1996 while Monday Night Raw was on the air. Leave it to Stone Cold Steve Austin to come barging into Brian Pillman's neighborhood, beat up Pillman's friends outside his home, and try breaking in to get to his old friend. What Austin didn't know however, was that Pillman had a loaded 9mm pistol at the ready, prepared to shoot Austin if he entered at a moment's notice. WWF interviewer Kevin Kelly and Pillman's wife Melanie, stood witness while Pillman, injured with a bandaged-up ankle, awaited Austin with the loaded pistol in hand. While Kelly interviewed Pillman and the Raw audience stood by Austin broke in through the back door and barged in, with Pillman rising up and aiming at Austin, screaming....only for the cameras to cut out to static and black. During the on-air break the cameras were restored, with Pillman's friends holding him back and Vince McMahon (a commentator at the time) asking "where's Austin?!" and "was anybody shot?!". Apparently Austin wasn't shot and ran back into the house, only to be halted by Pillman's friends as they pushed him back out of the house, Pillman going off in a rage screaming profanities and claiming that he would "kill" Steve Austin. There are many moments in the WWE that live in infamy, but the situation with Brian Pillman pulling a gun on Steve Austin is among one of the most controversial moments in television history. Back then that was widely accepted television; nowadays anything that is attempted in that kind of fashion is instantly thrown to the curb. Back then those times were enough to prove that there could be no safeties, restrictions, or shackles that would prevent Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Attitude Era from blooming into the success that it was.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.