WWE: Top 25 Stone Cold Steve Austin Moments

23. "Do You Want To Drink A Beer With Stone Cold?"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3npSUvONjk Ever watch a Raw or Smackdown program for the full two hours (nowadays it's three) and witness so many great moments that you were eager to catch up on next week's episode? We all have, and the thrill of awaiting the WWE's past storylines on each and every Monday, Thursday, or Friday night was everything to the fans. Being there live and seeing the action in person must have been exhilarating every time, and with live events the fans were treated to moments that only they witnessed, while the people who TiVo'ed the episode(s) only saw what the cameras recorded on television. When the cameras stopped rolling, events still happened exclusively for the fans who paid their hard earned money to go there. While not all of these off-camera, non-live events are available to see, there are some included as special features on DVD's and on YouTube, and some of the best revolved around Stone Cold Steve Austin coming out to the ring and interacting with other WWE superstars, one in particular being Chris Jericho. One of these segments occurred on August 25th of 2003 in Tucson, Arizona, after Jericho competed in a match with Shane McMahon (before Kane interfered, ending the match). After Raw ended Jericho grabbed a microphone and went on a rant about Tucson....hit Stone Cold's entrance music and here he comes walking on down the ramp. What followed next was a funny segment between both men as they made fun of each other and drunk and slugged beer for roughly fifteen minutes after Raw shut down the cameras. What made it so great was that at the time Jericho was one of the biggest heels and Austin was Co-General Manager of Raw, and both men conversed in ways that were obviously scripted yet displayed showmanship and a sense of loyalty to what they were doing. And despite being one of the WWE's toughest badasses, Stone Cold couldn't have been any funnier during that short period of time. It must have been such a treat seeing something like that come from Steve Austin, knowing that they'd be the only ones to ever see it happen.

Ryan Glenn is an amateur writer in pursuit of a career in both the writing and graphic design fields. He currently attends the Art Institutes of Illinois and looks to go back for a degree in journalism. A reader of an exhaustive library of books and an adept music and video game lover, there's no outlet of media that he isn't involved in or doesn't love.