WWE Tough Enough 2015: Ranking Every Contestant's Prospects

The Men...

7. Hank Avery

Eliminated: Episode one. Since Hank was the first person eliminated, it's hard to really rank him because the audience didn't get to see that much of him. All we know is that he's 6'4" and 270 pounds. He fared well in the challenges he was in, but he didn't get to show anything wrestling related. When he was voted off, he said all the right things about wanting to pursue wrestling and maybe he will. Some people tend to say those things because it's the right thing to do while others genuinely mean it, so we'll see what happens with him. He has the body type that WWE likes. Whether he puts in the work to pursue wrestling, that's up to him.

6. Alex Frekey

Eliminated: Episode two. Like most of the guys on the show, Alex looked the part of a WWE superstar since he's 6'4" and 250 pounds. What hurt him is that he didn't appear to know a lot about the wrestling business, so when fellow competitor Patrick Clark ripped him about it, the fans sided with Patrick and Alex didn't get many votes to stay when he was nominated. If he dedicates himself to training and learning more about wrestling, WWE could have an interest in him. He has a background in bodybuilding, which is something that Triple H has always loved. For right now, I don't think he'll pursue it enough because he wasn't a wrestling fan going into the show. It's tough for people to make it when they're like that. You have to want it. I'm not sure that he does.
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Tough Enough
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.