WWE Tough Enough 2015: Ranking Every Contestant's Prospects

5. Tanner Saraceno

Eliminated: Episode nine. Considering that Tanner made it to the second last episode it may be unfair to rank him as the fifth best male prospect, but it's really based on the fact that he was the smallest guy (6'1" 190 pounds) on the show as well as the least charismatic. The positives with Tanner is that his cardio is amazing and as a MMA fighter, he's got the competitive drive that WWE loves in a performer. Daniel Bryan wanted to save him in the second last episode because of that reason, but ultimately he chose not to. What hurt him was his personality. He just didn't show much in that department. Since Tanner had a tough time showing any charisma after two months of this, he may never get it. Some people just don't have it in them to be entertaining or to draw people to them. Tanner has a lot of potential as a skilled in-ring technician. Based on his work ethic, he could be great. It's just that the personality is lacking and as a smaller guy, WWE may not have that much interest in him. If he's smart, he'll take acting classes and perhaps one day he'll get to WWE if he really wants it.

4. Mada Abdelhamid

Eliminated: Episode six. When Mada was eliminated it was disappointing because he has the size that WWE likes (6'6" 270 pounds), he has an interest in the wrestling business and he was really starting to gain momentum. There were others left on the show that really didn't belong, so when he was voted out that's when a lot of viewers started to turn against Tough Enough. I would have liked to see him last long enough to where he could put on a full match because I think he could have done well as a big man while also showing off his personality. What may have hurt him is that he didn't stand out that much aside from being big. He wasn't shown in the house that much and in competitions he was good, but not really a standout either. I think WWE is going to have an interest in him because of his size as well as his interest in wanting to pursue his dream. He has a very good chance of ending up in WWE in the near future.
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Tough Enough
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.