WWE Turning Rusev Face?

Bulgarian Brute may be crushing bad guys in the near future.

rusev raw promo

Rusev debuted on the main roster in 2014, and since that time we've never seen him work as babyface. That may change soon.

Ringsidenews.com has reported that WWE could be turning him in the near future. He's been announced to take on Brock Lesnar in Mexico City at a live event after the Survivor Series, which may end up being a bit of a babyface test for him.

Now that Rusev's feud with Roman Reigns has ended, there really isn't an obvious next chapter for him. He's not likely to take on Seth Rollins in a prime spot on the card, and he doesn't have a tag team partner ready, so turning him may be the best thing for his career at this point.


Ever since his WrestleMania 31 match against John Cena, Rusev's career has been in sort of a free-fall. He's hasn't been pushed as much of a threat, and has taken on more of a comedic tone of late. He's been solid in the role, but it's limiting as a heel.

They may as well turn him, as he seems to have reached his ceiling as a bad guy. Perhaps there's still some untapped potential left to find in Rusev.

In this post: 
Lana Rusev
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