WWE: The Ultimate Warrior - 5 Awesome Matches And 5 That Sucked

2. Ultimate Warrior Vs Honky Tonk Man - SummerSlam 1988

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-iPSagcRwU Another match that highlights the key problem with Warrior is this Summerslam 1988 contest against Honky Tonk Man. The problem is simple - he wasn't much good at long matches. Warrior wins this Intercontinental title bout in just 31 seconds. The problem is, as a main eventer, the WWF couldn't always get away with booking Hellwig in such short matches. He had to be going between 8 and 20 minutes as a main eventer, something that he just didn't have the gas tank for. He was a bodybuilder not a gymnast. Agility and endurance were things that just didn't come naturally to Warrior, he was all about strength and look. The result was that when Vince tried to book Warrior in longer bouts he often stank the place out. Hence Warrior's reputation as a poor worker - he spent much of the 80's and 90's boring wrestling fans in dull rest hold filled encounters. Why watch Warrior when you could be watching Ric Flair tear it up for sixty minutes with Ricky Steamboat? This 31 second squash stands out even more considering it ended Honky Tonk Man's one year plus reign as IC Champion. What a pathetic way to end such an investment of time.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.