WWE Ultimate Warrior DVD Review: 10 Things You Should Know

8. Boston - 5th March 1988, Ultimate Warrior vs. Harley Race

There are plenty of minor matches from Warrior's early days on disc 1, but the first notable contest is in the WWF with Harley Race. This bout will be of great interest to wrestling fans who recognise Race as an all time great worker and the inspiration for much of Triple H's move-set. Race was also a legitimate tough guy, so it was interesting to see how he would handle the green rookie Warrior. As it turns out, it was a really good match. Race sells brilliantly for Warrior, showing his skill in getting a guy over with the crowd. As for Warrior, he outright no-sells Race's moves to begin with. That also contributes to his success with the crowd, who lap the new rookie up. One thing to notice about Warrior's early work is that he was more athletic and skilled than he perhaps get credit for. His jumps get good height and the timing of his pace was always pretty much spot on. Race vs Warrior is the first really good match in what ends up being a quality match filled collection.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.