WWE: What's Next For The Stars Of Wrestlemania 29?

Dolph Ziggler, Big E Langston and AJ Leedolph ziggler With Dolph Ziggler as the new World Heavyweight Champion the future has never been brighter for these three outstanding talents. WWE has waited this long to give Ziggler his day in the sun so we can't imagine they'll be taking the strap off him any time soon. As for AJ - whatever happened to her in ring career and potential feud with Kaitlyn? Has WWE given up on this already? As one of the most talented females in WWE it makes sense to give her a chance to shine as the top women's champion. Not only would it give her something to do other than look pretty it would cement Ziggler and AJ as WWE's power couple for 2013 and beyond. This only leaves Big E. Langston. As the current reigning NXT Champion Langston is looking like a hot prospect and although his in ring time on TV has been limited he shows flashes of greatness that can only get better by hanging around with wrestlers as talented as Ziggler and AJ. Just how long he'll remain in this little group as the third wheel remains to be seen but we can see a successful run as a top powerhouse in the not so distant future. That is unless WWE goes down the Brodus Clay route with him instead.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.