WWE: What's Next For The Stars Of Wrestlemania 29?

Alberto Del Rio and Jack SwaggerAlberto Del Rio Jack Swagger The decision to pair these two together was simply made because this feud should continue post Wrestlemania and should not merely be used as a set up for getting the World Heavyweight Championship around Dolph Ziggler's waist. Swagger is responsible for Del Rio losing the belt after his vicious attack on RAW which is all the reason Del Rio needs to look for revenge in the coming weeks. Without Del Rio it's concerning where WWE can go with Swaggers current gimmick. If they move away from the idea of Mexican border jumpers what have they got to work with? Blacks? Chinese? The Great Khali? Swagger needs Del Rio to keep his heel heat or else there's every chance he'll fade back into WWE's mid card (at best) and find himself on the end of Santino's Cobra week after week just like he was before his big push. For now though we need to see what the outcome of Swaggers court date is before making any long term plans for the All American American. If WWE don't continue with Swagger's push then the only logical direction for Del Rio to go post-Mania is after the man who stole his title. If anyone can bring out the best in Babyface Del Rio is Dolph Ziggler.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.