WWE: What's Next For The Stars Of Wrestlemania 29?

Brock Lesnar

brock lesnar Brock Lesnar has a terrible won/lost record since coming back to WWE last year. There's only so many times he can destroy his opponents and still lose before he will lose all credibility as a threat in WWE. Now that he's signed a new deal with them which hopefully allows for him to be use more regularly perhaps WWE can allow Lesnar to start winning some matches and begin building him into their more long term story line plans. Presumably the Lesnar/Triple H feud is over so where does Brock go from here? As mentioned there's talk of a team with CM Punk which would be more than a match for Daniel Bryan and Kane but if that doesn't come off who would WWE like to see Lesnar programmed against? How about The Rock? It's inevitable that these two will meet at some point so WWE might as well get it out of the way sooner rather than later. I'd suggest having Lesnar destroy The Rock to get him off TV and then have him lose a rematch if that's the way they want to go. Once Rock's out of the picture there's potential feuds with guys like Sheamus or Randy Orton (if he stays Babyface) and of course the much anticipated showdown with The Undertaker which may or may not be on the cards for Wrestlemania 30. We do know that Brock Lesnar's new deal guarantees him a run as WWE Champion but we can't see him taking Cena's gold any time soon although having Lesnar as a dominant top champion would make a lot of sense and give Lesnar a little of his credibility back that was taken at Wrestlemania 29.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.