WWE WrestleMania 15 Fantasy Booking - 9 Matches To Make It Better

8. WWF Hardcore Title: Al Snow (c) vs. Hardcore Holly

Bad Ass Billy Gunn was a bit of an oddity to be added to the personal feud between Al Snow and Hardcore Holly at WrestleMania 15. For some inexplicable reason the mid card superstar won the Hardcore belt in the build up to WrestleMania, despite his tag team partner the Road Dogg being more suited to the division (and just being champion some weeks prior) and WWF decided to book a triple threat match for the gold to keep Snow and Holly's feud going. What we ended up with at Mania then was a bit of a clusterf*ck of a match that didn't have the direction a one-on-one contest would have. At the previous PPV the hardcore match between Snow and Holly had gotten so crazy it got so far as the Mississippi River as the arena wasn't enough to hold their brawl. WWF should have built on that, building the rematch so the fans would anticipated and wonder just where the WWF could then take this contest. Indeed, in real life Holly and Snow would fight each other at the next PPV Backlash which ended up being a much more entertaining match than this Mania three-way anyway. Strange how Mania's oddball match was in the middle of a sandwich of two better contests before and after.
Snow and Holly should put on a crazy match for the title that is reminiscent of the match Raven and Rhyno would have two years later at Backlash 2001. It wouldn't need to go to the nearby river but it should be a fast-paced with weapons galore and bumps flying everywhere, two superstars putting their body on the line and giving the fans a Hardcore contest to remember. Snow would pick up the win as the way the night is booked... not too many other faces will be victorious. Two matches in and the show is already better just by tweaking two matches slightly. The third match on the card though is a much bigger diversion..

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.