WWE Wrestlemania 29: Preview & Predictions

Team Hell No Vs Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston w/ AJ Lee - Undisputed Tag Team ChampionshipsWrestlemania 29 Team Hell No I can think of a hundred different things I'd rather see Dolph Ziggler do at Wrestlemania other than challenge for the Tag Team Championships but it's certainly a great rub for Langston and gives Ziggy and his partner something to do while WWE decides how to figure out this whole Money in the Bank situation. Hell No should just be happy that WWE has enough faith in them to actually bother having the belts on the PPV at all seeing as the tag team division has been pretty poorly represented in recent years. In fact the last time there was a straight up great Tag Team Championship match at 'Mania was back in 2004. In fact there's only been two other Tag Team Championship matches on the PPV in the last years, but they only lasted a total of 10 minutes and were completely throw away. Prediction: Team Hell No have had an incredible run with the belts but it's probably time to kill this gimmick off and seeing as WWE didn't decide to pair them up with The New Age Outlaws the only team on the roster who they haven't defeated is Ziggler and Langston so I think we'll be looking at new champions. Fallout: Hell No calls it a day. Kane embraces his dark side again for one last monster heel run. Hell, why not have him fight Bryan? Failing that Bryan should turn heel and go back to his annoying, cry baby gimmick that he did so well as Heavyweight Champion. As for Ziggler and Langston? Well, hopefully Dolph's cashing in his briefcase later in the PPV but failing that who knows where these two are heading. Alternative Match: How about The New Age Outlaws winning the titles for one last run?


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.