WWE Wrestlemania 29: Preview & Predictions

Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger - World Heavyweight ChampionshipWrestlemania 29 Alberto Del Rio Vs Jack Swagger There are many people who feel Jack Swagger is one lucky Amigo considering his arrest one day after his push started. I'm not 100 percent convinced that Swagger's punishment wont actually come at Wrestlemania when Vince pulls the plug on him as a top heel and allows 'Berty to go over but then again on the other hand Swagger's pro-American anti-everyone else gimmick with Dirty Dutch Mantel at his side has generated a lot of publicity for them so this is one of the hardest matches to predict on the whole card. Will the gimmick lose steam if Swagger doesn't take the belt or could he work as a top tier heel with the same gimmick but not at championship level? Prediction: No one wants Swagger as a top star more than I do but I can't help but feel with an Orton turn on the horizon and a possible cash in by Dolph Ziggler in the coming weeks (if not at the actual PPV) we may be looking at a win for Del Rio on this night. Fallout: Del Rio goes on to feud with Swagger until the next PPV at least. If he loses at 'Mania then perhaps Ziggler will cash in his briefcase on his old tag team partner instead setting him up as a babyface? There are many possibilities but they all hinge on Dolph Ziggler really as his days as Mr Money in the Bank come to an end. Alternative Match: There's no one on Smackdown I'd want to see fight Del Rio. Swagger should do just fine.


Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.