WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Best Moments

2. Batista Bomb / RKO Combination

The WWE World Heavyweight Championship match was very stop/start thanks to its story elements which are likely to divide fans on the quality of the match but it was effective at telling a story and whipping up a frenzy of support for Bryan Versus The Machine. Despite seeing off Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and crooked referee Scott Armstrong (finally delivering pay-off to the Night of Champions randomness) Bryan still found himself against the numbers as his two opponents teamed together to try and take him out. The result, as can be seen above, saw an amazing move executed. Orton and Batista stripped two announce tables and set up the steel steps next to the Spanish Announce Table. Batista then proceeded to Batista Bomb Bryan from one table towards the other, where Orton leaped with to catch Bryan in a mid-air RKO through the table. The former Evolution stable mates may have only reunited briefly in the match but it produced one of the most impressive spots of the night. Randy Orton may suffer the price though after he landed on top of a monitor and seemed to do some serious damage to his back and a lot of credit must be given to him being able to continue the contest after he looked incapable of lying down on it but later was thrown off an RKO attempt and landed square on it. It made for uncomfortable viewing but given the injury reports coming out of the event, it is merciful that nothing has come out about the defending champion as of yet.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.