WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Best Moments

6. The Elimination Heard Around The World

If Kofi thought he had stolen the match by avoiding elimination, he would leave disappointed. The man who launched him for it will be the one remembered for the match. Pulling a less promoted double duty than main eventer Daniel Bryan, Cesaro had taken the losing pinfall in the Tag Team Championship match during the pre-show before breaking free of the Real Americans group by giving his partner Jack Swagger the Cesaro Swing. Not much fanfare was made of Cesaro appearing as a surprise entrance, not even receiving a televised entrance, but he made his presence felt. He gained attention with a lengthy Cesaro Swing on Kingston combined with an endless amount of European Uppercuts to other competitors but nothing could compare to what he had in store. Paying tribute to the moment that had been cited in the creation of this match Cesaro recreated (and bested in terms of strength) the "Slam Heard Around The World" as he lifted up the 425 pound Big Show for a Body Slam but instead carried him to the ropes and performed the move to send him to the ringside floor. If there were any doubts that Cesaro was the pound-for-pound strongest man in the WWE, they were quashed with this move while simultaneously solidifying Cesaro's rise. The crowd have been behind the Swiss Superman for a while, especially since the Royal Rumble and his series of matches against main event stars Randy Orton and John Cena leading to his appearance in the Elimination Chamber, but in winning the Battle Royal the Superdome gave him one of the loudest reactions of the entire night. Cesaro himself looked like he couldn't believe the feat before he shook Show's hand a lifted the heavy trophy in celebration.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.