WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Best Moments

5. Bray's Shuffle Crab

Is there any bigger way to debut at WrestleMania than face the company's poster boy John Cena? Most people might find such a prospect daunting but Bray Wyatt is not most people. He embraced the feud and has spent the last month or so attempting to terrorise the CeNation leader with his mind games. In probably the most story orientated match to ever take place on the main stage, Wyatt continued his theme of getting in Cena's head throughout the contest. Bray's screams to embrace the monster hinted at Cena's long called for heel turn and saw him come the closest he ever has to "embracing the hate" but would ultimately fail as he suppressed the temptation and remained true to his beliefs to capture the victory. The journey to get there though was all about Wyatt. Constantly baiting Cena to hit him and laughing at him when he would, the psychological aspect of the cult leader was played to full effect. Nothing came close to his counter of the Five Knuckle Shuffle. As Cena rebounded from the ropes Bray quickly bridged up into his crab walk position and simply looked on at his opponent who fell to the mat stunned. Cena picked up the win but Wyatt received the WrestleMania moment.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.