WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Best Moments

4. The Streak Is Conquered

The internet wrestling community had been critical of the build towards this years Streak challenge because it didn't present Lesnar as a credible threat to the wrestling tradition. Because of such, the entire contest was overlooked and viewed as a foregone conclusion. This, combined with Undertaker's performance suffering from a concussion, led to the Superdome not giving much reaction to the match. Needless to say that no-one was prepared for what was to come. After a third F5 from the Beast, the referee's hand fell a third and final time with no movement from the Deadman. Just like that The Streak was over. New Orleans were in a stunned silence. The majority of faces in the 75,000 crowd were pure shock. Even Lesnar and Heyman looked like they couldn't quite believe that they had actually ended one of wrestling's longest traditions. The word best may be questionable for this moment due to people not wanting The Streak to end or disagreements of a part-timer getting the crowning moment but there is no denying the magnitude of the moment. It was followed by an undeniably great moment came as The Undertaker got back to his feet and the silenced crowd gathered themselves to give him a well deserved standing ovation for what is probably his final match, at least at WrestleMania. There are rumours that he could appear on Raw tonight for a final farewell but this display of respect coming through a stunned (and in some cases appalled) audience is as poignant a moment as a career can end on.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.