6. There Is Limited Scope For Future Matches As Undertaker Has Wrestled Nearly Everyone
The fact is that there isn't really anywhere left to go with this story. The streak has pretty much seen off every meaningful wrestler in WWE history. With the exception of Lesnar and Cena, what else can WWE really do with it? It could damage the legacy if watered down talents start getting to challenge the Deadman at Mania. WWE need to end the story while it is still hot and on top - the perfect time and place seems to be Wrestlemania 30, with one of the few potential acts getting to take the torch from the Undertaker. That is of course unless WWE miraculously manages to create some new main event wrestlers in the next couple of years. But we won't hold our breath. The current number 1 contender for the WWE title at Survivor Series 2013 is the Big Show, the same man who was in the WWE title match at Survivor Series 2002, and the same man who jobbed to Undertaker at Wrestlemania in 2003.