WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Most Shocking Things We Witnessed

7. The Lack Of Noise

You can probably understand the lack of noise at the end of the Brock Lesnar/Undertaker match, given how many jaws were hanging open around the arena, as the cameramen almost lovingly captured, but the atmosphere was never as raucous as it should have been for a main event of this magnitude. It all comes down to the matches being booked in the wrong order: they gave the fans Bryan way too early, and the opening match between the soon-to-be Champion and Triple H was probably too good, given that very little afterwards could match it for quality. Nobody really cared about Bray Wyatt and John Cena's match, even if the drama spots were great, and it was one of the most arrestingly descriptive matches on any WrestleMania card (which wasn't helped by the commentators' failure to tell the story well enough), and it felt like the Battle Royal was rushed too quickly out of the way to really get over with the crowd. And then the 'Taker/Lesnar match was deathly quiet - mostly because it was terribly executed (which will be forgotten in light of the result) - even before Lesnar hit his final f5 and the referee's hand came down for a third time. Where were the pops? Where was the vocal dissent when the Streak ended? The arena felt more like a morgue than a packed entertainment hub, especially during and after the defeat of 'Taker...

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