WWE WrestleMania 30: 10 Superstars We'd Rather See Main Event Than Randy Orton

9. Triple H

Triple H B Let's imagine for a second that Daniel Bryan had won the Royal Rumble and he was facing Orton for the title at Mania. Having seen that match several times on PPV at the tail end of last year, it's hardly fresh and one that the fans would be that excited about. I, for one, would take Triple H simply awarding himself the title and defending against Bryan over an Orton-Bryan match again. It would be a better match. Obviously it's Batista who won the Royal Rumble, but I'm not suggesting for one second we want to see Triple H vs. Batista. Looking at things from a general perspective, not specifically who should face Batista. The mistakes were made some time ago and can't really be undone now too much. Of course, it's strongly rumoured that Triple H could be facing Bryan at Mania, in a non title match. Is it possible that they put this match on last anyway and have Orton-Batista (if that's the case) on earlier? Possible, but unlikely. I think only potentially an Undertaker match could end up going on last if it's not the title match. Triple H obviously isn't a fresh act, but he's still a decent worker and generally has better matches than Orton.

Martin Perry is a writer for WhatCulture, who has a passion for the blood, sweat and tears world of Boxing, and an enthusiasm for the world of WWE. Other interests include Football and Darts. You can follow and contact him on Twitter @MartinPez