3. Crowd Reaction Is More Interesting Than The Product
I have never seen crowd reactions in the WWE like I've seen them over the last couple of months. The WWE crowd at the moment is completely rejecting almost everything that it sees, especially when it comes to the Wrestlemania main event. With their witty chants, the booing of babyfaces and hijacking of matches and shows, they have made themselves the star of the show. It says a lot about the current product being churned out by WWE that this is allowed to be the case. Nothing exciting happens very often anymore and the couple of cool moments that do happen are usually predictable way in advance. When you mix that with the way the crowd has been acting lately, it makes the crowd more interesting than the product. How many people are going to be tuning into RAW this week, just to see how the crowd in Chicago react to current events? I know I am. I don't often stay up to watch RAW live, but I do on the occasion that I think it will be worthwhile, and this week I will be. That's not because I think the show will be awesome, it's because I think that listening to the crowd and seeing how the wrestlers react will be awesome. With Wrestlemania right around the corner, this presents a big problem for WWE. Wrestlemania crowds are notorious for being snarky crowds and they're the problem for WWE at the moment. Could you imagine if 80,000 people decide to completely reject the main event of the biggest show of the year? Which leads me nicely to...