WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

Sunday's WrestleMania 30 signifies the opportunity for WWE to make new stars...

WrestleMania 30 signifies the opportunity for WWE to make new stars. It's the time of the year when story-lines culminate and a fresh WWE season begins. This year we will finally see the end of the eight month 'Authority' storyline, a narrative which hasn't always been booked that effectively. Ultimately, it has brought us to where we are now, this is where it matters most, WWE must get their booking right on the big stage of WrestleMania. When booking goes wrong at Mania, the consequences can be extremely damaging. The classic example is Steve Austin joining forces with Vince McMahon at Mania 17. It was horribly illogical booking and resulted in the death of the Attitude Era, basically costing the WWE tens of millions of dollars in the long run. Austin himself has stated he wishes he could just go back and call an audible to stunner McMahon. Nothing was ever the same again. Get it right however and the benefits are vast. Who will ever forget the iconic image of Hogan slamming Andre at Mania 3? That's a piece of booking which made those men legends. To this very day WWE are still reaping the benefits, gimmicks are being built around Andre and Hogan this Sunday in New Orleans. Can we see new main event stars emerge this Sunday? Or will WWE once again show they've lost the touch in the creative department? We will find out in New Orleans, but this feature will give an indication of the ways WWE could and should be thinking, as we list the 11 booking decisions the company MUST get right at WrestleMania 30...
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.