WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

11. Don't Change The Tag Titles On A Pre-Show

One booking error the WWE has already made for Mania 30 is to relegate the tag titles from the main card to the pre-show. What does that say about the Usos and the championship? It basically communicates the fact that the tag division is seen as an expendable piece of the company. It's all part of the WWE's drive over the last year to make the pre-show seem like something more than basically an hour long advertisement for the pay per view. To some extent it perhaps works in helping sell more PPV's, but ultimately, most fans aren't going to want to sit through another hour of wrestling on top of Mania this Sunday. As such, the first booking decision WWE should make for Sunday is to not change the tag belts. If they get it wrong and do a change it'll be lost on most fans, most of us either won't see it or will quickly forget it amongst the buzz of Mania's first match. A title change is important, it should be used in a prominent spot, so WWE must keep the belts on the Usos this Sunday for a future changeover.
WWE Writer

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