WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

3. Austin Turns Up To Write Hunter And Stephanie Out Of Storylines

The important thing that needs to happen after Bryan wins is Hunter needs writing out of the story. He can't be booked to get involved in a screwy way with the title match, that would hurt the title transition. Instead he should be written out of the story and the authority storyline should be ended in the aftermath of his Bryan match. The perfect man to do this is Steve Austin. The Rattlesnake said he wouldn't come in for anything less than a good spot. This could be it. After Bryan triumphs, Stephanie comes out with Hunter's sledgehammer. Hunter rises and grabs Bryan from behind, holding him in a lock as Stephanie gets in the ring. Then Austin's music hits. Coming to the ring, StoneCold batters Hunter to the point where the audience knows there's no chance we will see him again. He then turns to a screeching Stephanie and gives her a stunner for good measure before sharing a beer with Daniel Bryan. This is also a nice bit of booking because it is the anti-authority icon of the last generation passing the torch to the man of this new emerging generation. A future Mania 31 Hunter vs Austin match could also be seen as established if doable, that had been the initial plan for Mania 30 back in the summer 2013.
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