WWE WrestleMania 30: 11 Booking Decisions They Must Get Right

2. The Match Order

Wrestlemania One of the most vital booking considerations for a WrestleMania is match order. Just take a look at some of the disasters in past Mania shows after WWE fluffed their booking on who went on last. The crowd are a group of people who can lose steam from cheering too long, they need rest spots, the WWE needs to be in tune with what they perceive as the main event. The order is as imperative this year as it has ever been. To start with they need a really hot opener, I would go with The Shield match. It isn't a major match but the Shield are well received enough to create a thrill. Then get some of the filler out of the way, have the Diva invitational. Following this, the crowd needs something hot again, give them Cena vs Wyatt. Next up should be the Hogan involvement. He should come out to congratulate Cena on a win. As Cena exits, that's when he thank's the crowd before calling Warrior out. It can also be the lead in for the battle royal for the next part of the card. We then have the Bryan vs Hunter match, followed by Taker and Lesnar, before finally the title match. It's three hot matches in a row, but given who's involved and some buffering with a Hall of Fame segment, WWE should get away with it. The allotting of time is also an important booking consideration. The main event should be given half an hour, Hunter vs Bryan 25 minutes and Lesnar vs Taker a shorter brawl at 15 minutes. With the exception of the Cena match and the Battle Royal, everything else should clock in under ten minutes. Anything more could end up boring the audience.
WWE Writer

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