WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

3. Steve Austin Will Be Involved In A Big Angle

Austin Bryan Hhh This spoiler is now confirmed by the WWE after initially being leaked by TMZ - StoneCold Steve Austin will be appearing live in person at WrestleMania 30 in New Orleans. It's a huge boost for the WWE because Austin is the biggest star ever, when he left, much of the mainstream audience left too. He still has that lure about him which will sell the PPV to some on-the-fence casual fans. Austin is the biggest draw ever. The exciting thing about knowing Austin is coming in, is that we also know it's probably going to be something major. The Rattlesnake had repeatedly said he in past comments about Mania that he has no interest in coming back for anything but a good piece of creative and role to carry out. That opens up a host of possibilities, but the smart money is on some sort of involvement in the HHH Bryan match. Perhaps Stephanie gets involved and Bryan is about to get screwed over only for the sound of the glass breaking and Austin's music kicking in. He then comes to the ring and backs Stephanie out of the equation, freeing up Bryan to beat Hunter on even terms.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.