WWE WrestleMania 30 Spoilers - 10 Things That Will Happen Tonight

4. Daniel Bryan Wins The WWE Championship

The other result we are assured of tonight is Daniel Bryan going over as the new WWE Champion. This is completely telegraphed by the storyline of the last six months and specifically the past few weeks. Bryan has constantly been put on the losing end and established as an underdog competitor, it has created an atmosphere where the sympathetic character has became the hottest act in the whole company. The whole purpose of that is to eventually pay-off with the obstacles being overcome, at WrestleMania 30 the character will find his redemption. It's the only way for the story to go, at this point there just isn't any other direction to take the narrative in. Bryan wins the title and ends the authority, completing his six month journey of obstacles. The only swerve could end up being the HHH vs Bryan match ends up in a double count out, facilitating a four way main event of Orton vs Batista vs Bryan vs Hunter. The end result would still be the same though, Bryan ends the night with victory. While this may not have been WWE's original plan and they have form for finding ways to pass Bryan over, they are now fully committed to him as the next big thing. At some point in February they decided to change the whole Mania card around accommodating Bryan's title win. They made it so he could be in the main event. They just wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't the plan for him to then go over as Champion. At the end of WrestleMania 30, Daniel Bryan will be leading everyone in YES chants as new WWE Champion.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.