WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Booking Steps For The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

2. Hype The Match

Throughout the course of the next few months we would see Lesnar and Rock make separate appearances on Raw to promote the match. There would not be any kind of interaction leading up to the match so when they finally do get back in the ring together, it's to fight. The Rock would almost definitely make the rounds on the talk show circuit to promote the match and WrestleMania in general, giving WWE more mainstream exposure and letting lapsed fans know that this may be a match they would be interested in seeing. Lesnar doesn't do talk shows that often, so his hyping of the match would either have to take place on WWE television or he would have to have Heyman do his hyping for him. Heyman would be hyping the match anyway as he is on television every week as it is. Now Heyman can change his catchphrase to "My client, Brock Lesnar, conquered the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania, and now he will conquer The Rock."

I have been a writer for Bleacher Report for several years, and am now happy to also be a writer at What Culture! I do my best to contribute anywhere I can in a positive way, and that includes in my writing. Some people call me The Doctor, but Chris is fine.