WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Things That Need To Happen

1. Seth Rollins Cashes In His Money In The Bank Case

The breakout star of the Shield was the last person WWE expected it to be. Seth Rollins was supposed to be an afterthought but, since the writers devoted so much time to him, he unexpectedly became a legitimate main event heel. Not only that but Rollins backed up his push with a tremendous performance in the world title match at the Royal Rumble, showing that he can hang with the main event players and not look completely out of place. With a few more booking gymnastics, WWE could be looking at the next coming of Edge, a main event heel who doesn't overpower the babyfaces but he outsmarts them. With Brock Lesnar seemingly on his way out of the company, WWE has booked themselves into a corner. They can't let Lesnar leave with the title because everyone knows he's leaving and the crowd doesn't want to see Roman Reigns get the confetti bath at the end of WrestleMania because they don't think he deserves it. There is one way out of this whole mess and it's Seth Rollins and his Money in the Bank briefcase. Picture this: Roman Reigns somehow defeats Brock Lesnar despite the interference of Paul Heyman and the anger of the live crowd. Reigns barely escapes with his life as Lesnar beats him from pillar to post but, somehow, Reigns prevails and hits a spear for the pin and the world title. He lays in the center of the ring, exhausted from the match and barely able to stand as the referee presents the title. Enter Seth Rollins. One Curb Stomp later and you have solved all of your problems. You have gotten the title off of Brock Lesnar, you have prevented a Reigns title run that was destined from bad things, and you've created a new main event heel that Reigns can chase and have good matches with. Fans would be talking about it, the crowd would be happy with the surprise, and Lesnar would be a distant memory as the promotion rolled on without him. If you can think of a better solution, I'd love to hear it.

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.