WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Things That Need To Happen

2. Brock Lesnar Should Defeat Roman Reigns

This is one of the most talked-about main events in years and it's for all the wrong reasons. At the Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns became the next coming of Dave Batista when the Philadelphia crowd booed him out of the building following his Rumble win. It was clear that the WWE crowd did not think Reigns deserved a main event spot at WrestleMania and, instead of clamoring for the new guy to get his shot at the monster heel, they were cheering for anyone else to pull an upset. In yet another stupid move, WWE then booked Reigns against Daniel Bryan to try to stifle Bryan's momentum for good. Bryan worked a miracle at Fastlane and pulled the best possible match out of Reigns, something that Lesnar is not going to be able to do. Brock Lesnar, on the other hand, is just being Brock Lesnar. Lesnar is a mercenary and has never pretended to be anything else. Lesnar is in sports to make money and WWE's deal made him the most money for the least amount of dates. However, with a lucrative UFC deal seemingly on the horizon, Lesnar seems very close to walking out on WWE as he did this past week on Raw. It would be Vince McMahon's worst-case scenario if Lesnar were to refuse to perform at WrestleMania due to a contract dispute and could throw the entire promotion's plan into the garbage. We assume that Lesnar will be at WrestleMania because his contract states that he must be. However, Lesnar's contract also covers the night after WrestleMania at Raw, which would be his final night with the company. Right now, WWE's best course of action is to have Brock Lesnar defeat Roman Reigns in the main event. Let's face it, Brock Lesnar is WWE's biggest babyface right now. His performance at the Royal Rumble was not that of a heel but as a kickass babyface who overcame odds and injury to win based on pure skill. The crowd love him because he's a legitimate badass who backs up his talk with actions and looks like he could break any man in half with his bare hands. Reigns, on the other hand, is not ready for prime time just yet and has all the makings of a bust champion. The majority of the crowd doesn't want Reigns as champion and, especially the night after at Raw, will be more than willing to voice their displeasure. However, if WWE is unwilling to let Lesnar walk out as champion, there always is another way...

Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.