WWE WrestleMania 31: 8 Shocking Turns That Could Happen On The Night

1. Roman Reigns Heel With Paul Heyman (Brock Lesnar Into A Face)

The double turn. It's not easy to do, but when it works it's a thing of beauty. People still talk about Bret Hart and Steve Austin's double turn at WrestleMania 13 in 1997 because it was so well done. WWE has a chance to do a massive double turn at WrestleMania that could also involve the WWE Title as well. There are a lot of people doubting WWE's decision to make Roman Reigns their "top dog" so to speak. They think that what WWE should do is not force him upon the fans as a top guy and instead turn him heel with Paul Heyman as his manager. It would allow Reigns to be booked as a monster heel, keep him from doing promos (he's weak at those) and Heyman would be there as his mouthpiece. As the new "Paul Heyman Guy" he would have so much credibility. As for Lesnar, he was getting cheered a lot at the Royal Rumble. A lot of fans love the guy because he's a one of a kind special athlete that can destroy people unlike anybody else in wrestling. If he re-signs with WWE, it makes a lot of sense to turn him into a babyface to see what he can do in that kind of role. How could it happen? Copying angles from the past aren't always the best ideas, but they could consider when Heyman turned on Lesnar at Survivor Series 2002. Pull the referee out before he could make the pinfall and have Reigns capitalize on Lesnar when he's distracted. If the match becomes a No Holds Barred type of match like a lot of Lesnar matches then there are a lot of options. They could easily do a scenario where Heyman breaks up a Lesnar pinfall attempt with a chairshot and then Reigns capitalize to go on to win. That would be like the Austin/McMahon angle at WrestleMania 17 in 2001. The key would be to have Reigns win thanks to the help of Heyman and that the loss doesn't hurt Lesnar's credibility at all. They could justify it in promos by having Heyman saying that he talked so much about Reigns family because he believed in him. He wants to be here to help him become a legend in the business, so that's why he screwed Lesnar. Reigns can justify it by saying that the fans kept booing him when he did nothing wrong and now as the WWE Champ he's going to make the fans really hate him because he's never going to lose. As for Lesnar, Heyman could say that he quit WWE and that he wants to leave the business while Reigns can the champion for years with Heyman's guidance. Then a few weeks before SummerSlam, Lesnar's music strikes up and he's back as the babyface opponent for Reigns at SummerSlam. That ovation would be enormous for Lesnar in that kind of spot. WWE needs to do something to get people excited about the product again. A massive heel turn by Reigns with Heyman and Lesnar as a face is something that could work perfectly.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.