WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Things That Need To Happen Tonight

1. Shane McMahon Takes A Big Bump

Shane McMahon big bump

A past hallmark of Shane McMahon's matches has been the 'Boy Wonder's' unflinching willingness to put himself in harm's way. At events like SummerSlam 2000 and Backlash 2001, he took massive bumps from the top of entrance sets, and they looked spectacular. Whilst facing Kurt Angle at the King Of The Ring 2001 show, he even received a Belly-To-Belly Suplex through very real, and very painful glass.

There seemingly isn't much that Shane won't do in order to entertain, and that has some fans licking their chops eagerly in anticipation over WrestleMania 32. Looking at things cynically, Shane McMahon isn't exactly the ideal opponent for an ageing Undertaker. This may necessitate something thunderous (not to mention painful looking) in order to break up the action and allow for periods of stalling.

Shane McMahon coming off of the top of the Hell In A Cell structure may be just the ticket. That would mask any deficiencies visible elsewhere in the match, and it'd also provide a suitable excuse for the scrap going on in the headline slot. Shane isn't afraid to take risks, and he may need to in order to ensure 'Mania closes with a bang. 

What else do you think needs to happen at WrestleMania 32? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.