WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Things That Need To Happen Tonight

8. The Dudleyz Become The New Top Tag Title Contenders

Shane McMahon big bump

It hasn't been announced as such quite yet, but it's logical to assume that the winner of The Usos vs. The Dudley Boyz will gain a future crack at the WWE Tag-Team Titles. This is something WWE should talk up, because it gives the idea of challenging for the belts meaning. The Dudleyz vs. The Usos is a pretty throwaway match otherwise, there needs to be more of a contendership ladder in the company.

As the heels of the piece, Bubba Ray and D-Von are the ideal winners. Their villainous run only has a finite shelf life, before fans inevitably want to get that nostalgia fix from seeing the storyline brothers blast others through tables. Therefore, acting on their recent heel turn quickly makes the most sense. There's definitely another match to be squeezed out of The Dudley Boyz vs. The New Day in the near future, only this time with the former playing rogue.

Bubba Ray is a fantastic talker, so he could even cut a post-match promo after defeating The Usos. In that interview, he'd claim that the brothers will be watching the WWE Tag-Team Title bout closely, because they plan on putting out a challenge to the winners.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.