WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Things That Need To Happen Tonight

7. The New Day Retain WWE Tag-Team Titles

Shane McMahon big bump

In the aforementioned WWE Tag-Team Title showdown, it should be The New Day who emerge as victors. To date, New Day have held the belts since last year's SummerSlam, which is an awful long time in today's wrestling world. Still, they have been consistently entertaining during their appearances, and feel fresh since pretty much organically turning babyface.

Fans love The New Day, the silly antics they wheel out on television are hilarious. Inside the ring, Big E, Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods are also all accomplished. Contrast that to the relatively dull aura surrounding the League Of Nations, and it's almost night and day from an entertainment standpoint. It'd feel like a waste to have 'The Lads' end New Day's lengthy reign and become the new WWE Tag Champions.

There's a uniqueness to the 4-on-3 Handicap style the match is going to provide. This enables the likes of Woods and 'King' Barrett to get involved in the bout, and it'd be nice to see Xavier pick up for the win for his squad. This could lead to more of a Fabulous Freebirds type of deal for New Day, switching members in and out for different matches.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.