WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Things That Need To Happen Tonight

3. Roman Reigns Is Portrayed As Ruthless

Shane McMahon big bump

A calculator would probably be required in order to count up the number of times WWE have dropped the ball with Roman Reigns as a singles star. As a member of The Shield, Reigns worked extremely well as a take-no-prisoners, !*$%-kicking machine who was stoic in nature but not in action. 

It's therefore highly confusing that WWE have since attempted to turn him into the second coming of John Cena, a creative decision flying directly in the face of everything fans liked about Reigns to begin with. There may be no rescuing his top babyface character, but WWE could rescue his WWE World Heavyweight Title match against Triple H at WrestleMania with one simple piece of presentation.

The awkward and smiling Roman should be replaced by a focused, cold-hearted wrecking ball who is simply unwilling to lose another 'Mania main event. Back at TLC in December, there were audible cheers when Reigns smashed 'The Game', but that kind of booking slowly faded away. 

Then it was outright replaced by hammy dialogue and poor writing that badly undermined the man. That cannot continue happening, otherwise the WrestleMania crowd will be down on Reigns like a ton of bricks


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.