WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Things We Learned

5. Brock Lesnar And Dean Ambrose Didn't Use Blood

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It's insane to think that a wrestling brawl which featured a genuine chainsaw (not to mention a barbed wire bat) ended without any proper bloodshed whatsoever. The only blood was barely even visible, Dean Ambrose simply nicked his lip and mouth when pressing the barbed wire against his face.

Billed as a 'No Holds Barred Street Fight', Brock Lesnar and Ambrose were expected by some fans to use claret - regardless of it being against WWE's 'PG' rating - in order to ensure their match stood out. There were chairs, Singapore canes, TV monitors and the aforementioned weapons handed to Ambrose by Mick Foley and Terry Funk, but there was no real blading in sight.

This didn't really hurt the match as such, but it's still notable to point out that blood may have enhanced proceedings. In the past, a barbed wire bat would have signalled some torn flesh, possibly leading to a real gusher from either man's forehead.

On this occasion, guesswork was wrong, Ambrose and Lesnar didn't dip into their collective bag of tricks and pull out the proverbial crimson mask.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.