WWE WrestleMania 35: 10 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know

Will 'Mania 35 end up being 'Bad Ass' or 'Notorious'?

WrestleMania 35

It's nearly here, people.

WWE's souped-up, money-making sizzle of pro wrestling, fireworks, celebrity and pop culture is almost upon us, and the entire wrestling world is abuzz. Kofi Kingston finally gets his crack at the WWE Title after 10 long years, women are main-eventing for the very first time and Batista is back for a 'No Holds Barred' showdown with old Evolution pal Triple H.

It's all very exciting, but what if WWE have some other things in mind? That's why we're here: rumours are flying and conjecture is rife about all the other add-ons WrestleMania 35 might have. You'd think with 16 matches (three on the pre-show) and all this hype, that'd be enough, but no. Social media wants more. Way, way more.

Most of the rumours on this list come from Twitter, Reddit or other online news sources. Are they 100% accurate? Only time will tell. Anyway, the fun comes from wondering if they'll actually happen on Sunday night or not. There are celebrity invasions, killer comebacks, Hall Of Fame interruptions, emotional send-offs and ever-changing creative plans to analyse.

Let's get stuck in...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.