WWE WrestleMania 35: 10 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know

5. The Longest 'Mania Ever?

WrestleMania 34

Rumour: WWE's biggest show of the calendar year has steadily been getting longer and longer over the past few iterations. Rumours abound that 'Mania 35 will actually wind up being the longest in company history, dwarfing the length of last year's epic.

Likelihood: The fact there are 16 matches scheduled should act as an almighty hint that 'Mania 35 might last 35 hours. OK, maybe not, but it's surely set to push the bar and break some records for longest WWE pay-per-view of all time. Last year (including the near-two-hour Kickoff portion), 'Mania 34 ran for a colossal 6:59:12.

Written another way, that's six hours, 59 minutes and 12 seconds. That card "only" had 14 matches, so it makes sense to think this year's 16-bout whopper will smash the seven hour mark easily. In fact, depending on the length of some matches and bonus promos, it could come close to eight hours.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.