WWE WrestleMania 35: 10 Last-Minute Rumours You Need To Know

4. The Shield's Big Send-Off?

The Shield reunite

Rumour: Dean Ambrose seemed to wave goodbye to WWE by taking a bow after this past Monday's episode of Raw went off the air. This rumour suggests that wasn't the last time we'll see Deano on television; it predicts he'll be there to celebrate with fellow Shield buds Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins in-ring and bid farewell (for now) to WWE the right way.

Likelihood: If Seth Rollins beats Brock Lesnar to become new Universal Champion and Roman Reigns kicks Drew McIntyre's ass, it might happen. The Shield are one of the most important factions ever, emerging during a time when WWE's product was in a lull, and they've all gone on to become World Champions.

Their history and connection to younger members of the audience who have grown up with them on top deserves a public send-off full of tears, hugs and happiness. Should WWE book it, this would be a nice show of emotion mid-way through the card that gives Ambrose the chance to ride off into the sunset properly rather than doing so off-camera.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.