WWE WrestleMania 35: 10 Shocks That Could Happen

4. The Undertaker Shows Up Unannounced

Undertaker SD 1000


No, that's not as dodgy as it reads, it's The Undertaker's trademark tolling bell. Some on social media are predicting that 'The Deadman' will haul his big dead ass to New Jersey for one more go-around on the big stage. If he does, lord only knows who it'll be against or how long he'll get.

Last year, the legend's match with John Cena was a three-minute squash that only existed to squeeze both onto the card. Remember who else was involved in that segment? Why it was WWE's resident music man, Elias. Could he be the sacrificial lamb for 'Taker's Chokeslam and Tombstone combo this Sunday?

Stranger things have happened, and there's no way Elias' promise that his musical interlude is going off without a hitch will come true. This may be a neat cameo for a creaking icon who really can't be expected to share the load in 2019.

Alternatively, it might be best to keep him off the show altogether and let others hog the spotlight.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.