WWE WrestleMania 36: 10 Things That Must Happen

7. Daniel Bryan Becomes Intercontinental Champion

Sami Zayn Daniel Bryan

Five years ago at WrestleMania 31, Daniel Bryan captured the Intercontinental Title and promised to make the belt worthwhile again. Injuries and retirement stopped him from doing that, and the IC belt has had mixed fortunes ever since. This is Daniel's time to finally drag the division kicking and screaming to relevancy again.

Sami Zayn is the perfect foil.

Being honest, Sami isn't the right champ. As good as he is, that title needs someone on par with Seth Rollins from 2018, The Miz from 2017 or...Bryan himself back in 2015. 'Mania 36 should gift Bryan a memorable championship win, leave Zayn crying into the arms of Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro, set up some rematches and more.

By "more", this fan means he wants to see Drew Gulak eventually turn on D-Bry (there's no rush) and challenge for the title himself. That's nearer the end of 2020 though. In the short-term, he and Bryan can proudly talk up the IC gold and maybe vie for the Tag Titles too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.