WWE WrestleMania 36: Every Match Star Ratings (Night 1)

3. No Disqualification: Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens

Owens Mania 36

In a bizarre way, while Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins will undoubtedly have been hurt by not having a crowd there to react to the ending, it also benefitted from them not being exhausted after the ladder match. We've seen many examples of great matches failing to get the crowd behind them after a spot-fest, and that could very easily have been the case here under normal circumstances.

It wasn't though, and arguably WrestleMania's longest-running feud finally got a payoff that justified that seemingly never-ending run of Monday Night Raw multi-man matches. Free of all distractions, free of all interference, Rollins vs Owens belatedly became a story worth telling. Albeit it at the second attempt.

A fairly by-the-numbers encounter was cut off from being another underwhelming chapter in this story when Rollins clocked Owens with the ring bell to cause a DQ. After challenging him to get back in the ring and restart the match with no disqualification or count-out, the two finally came to blows in a suitably satisfying way.

A falcon arrow to the apron induced a wince, but nothing compared to Owens' closing spot of diving from the WrestleMania sign onto a prone Rollins. This was, if nothing else, the customary high-spot that will likely define this year's event, but the story the pair managed to tell was more impressive than the fall.

Result: Kevin Owens defeated Seth Rollins via pinfall (17:20)

Star Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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