WWE WrestleMania 38: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best
4. AJ Styles Vs. Edge

Result: Edge puts AJ down with a Spear for the win (24:05).
Rating: This was absolutely gruelling both for better and worse. It felt incredibly physical with both men doing a fantastic job of selling how personal this match was to them, but it also dragged due to the glacial pacing.
The downtime between marquee moves definitely harmed the overall flow, but when it got into gear, it was great.
There were some fantastic near-falls here - especially Edge barely surviving a Styles Clash - though it's a shame things ultimately ended in such flat fashion.
While it's a relief that Damian Priest didn't get actively involved in the match, having AJ lose because of a momentary distraction felt like such an unfulfilling anti-climax. AJ's a pro - he should know better. 7/10