WWE WrestleMania 40: 20 Things That Must Happen

8. Logan Paul Retains Via Miscommunication

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL Cody Rhodes

Yeah, yeah the build towards this Triple Threat has tanked harder than the prices on bottles of PRIME. Logan Paul remains an excellent addition to the roster and the right choice as United States Champion though, which is why he should clutch that gold for dear life and leave Philly with it on Sunday evening.

Some good ol' fashioned miscommunication can save his skin.

There hasn't actually been much of that between Kevin Owens and Randy Orton. They've been getting along great guns (that hasn't done much for the saggy build either), and even worked as tag-team partners on TV. 'Mania's pressure pot should bring everything to a head. Only one man can leave with the title, basically.

Maybe KO can screw over Randy after Orton lands an RKO on Paul, but then have his own pin attempt broken up. The fans would come up for Owens and Orton having a back and forth fist fight to make 2K24 owners proud, then LP can sneak his way to victory.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.