WWE WrestleMania 40: 20 Things That Must Happen

2. Cody Rhodes Finishes His Story

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL Cody Rhodes

Getting déjà vu?

Last year, pretty much everybody and their dog thought Cody Rhodes would "finish his story" by winning the Undisputed WWE Universal Title(s) from Roman Reigns. It didn't happen, and some folks are still hot about it. 2024 feels different though - it feels like WWE has to give Cody his flowers in Philadelphia this time.

Reigns has been running low on steam as champ for a good while now. It's clear that creative has run out of ways to prolong his tenure as main man, and The Rock's arrival has only diluted his importance to the weekly cause further. Rhodes beating Roman and hoisting that gold above his head as the tears and confetti fall would be one of the best WrestleMania moments ever.

Cody has also shown he's sustainable as a babyface hero, which isn't always a given in the modern era. People haven't turned on him yet. They might when he's actually champ, but that's no reason to cancel his best career triumph.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.