WWE WrestleMania 40: 20 Things That Must Happen

1. The Rock & Roman Reigns Share A “Look”

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL Cody Rhodes

Roman would be crestfallen as he realised his ironclad grip on the top title(s) had loosened. The 'Tribal Chief' would be beside himself with grief, but then that'd turn to anger. At one point, seeing him temporarily snap and blame The Rock for everything would be fun. Think Bobby Heenan and Andre The Giant back at 'Mania VI, but sans slap.

Rocky wouldn't take kindly to being blamed. After all, he'd moved mountains to make "Bloodline Rules" a reality, and he'd even willingly acknowledged Reigns as his 'Chief' in front of the world. One bit of chewing out from Roman and a frosty glare between both men would be more than enough to tease fans with more come the following night's Raw.

WrestleMania 40 going off air with blood brothers at loggerheads and Cody celebrating his win would be class. Suddenly, WWE's top line mix would have a fresh feel on both Raw and SmackDown, and a blockbuster clash between Rock and Roman would be waiting in the pipeline for next year.

That's some multi-layered 'Mania worthy drama right there.

What else do you think must happen at WWE WrestleMania 40? For more wrestling, check out 10 Risks That Could’ve KILLED WWE Careers and WWE 2K24: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.