Always with a loud mouth and tennis racket in hand, Jim Cornette managed some of the greatest wrestlers of all time during his tenure with the WWE. Along with duties as color commentator and booker, he made the time to become the mouthpiece for Yokozuna, who would become WWE champion under his guidance. "Camp Cornette" was founded with the addition of Owen Hart at WrestleMania XI, then later with the addition of The British Bulldog, and Vader. Camp Cornette officially disbanded in 1996 following the departure of Yokozuna, and when Owen and Bulldog switched alliances to follow Clarence Mason. The rest of his tenure in the WWE was pretty modest. He managed a short lived stable featuring former NWA stars, including The New Midnight Express, a much less successful version of The original Midnight Express, which he had also managed. Cornette left managing in 1998 but continued to work for the WWE in various forms. He left in 2005 after a backstage incident with a then unknown Santino Marrella, but he will always be remembered as one of the great managers and one that you loved to hate.
Brandon Tischer is an avid wrestling fan who has been watching since he was a kid. He, along with his friends, have made a pact to never miss a Wrestlemania together.