WWF vs WCW: 10 Fantasy Matches We Demand To See

2. The Rock vs Goldberg

This would be the battle of €œthe next big things.€ Both superstars have seemingly come out of nowhere and have been shot to superstardom. Both superstars have been given an opportunity to become €œThe Man€ and both so far have proved that they are more than capable. Who is going to be the bigger star? Will it be €œDa Man€ or €œThe People€™s Champion?€ Will we see a Spear or a People€™s Elbow? Will The Jackhammer chisel through The Rock Bottom? Who will reign supreme, ready to lead the wrestling world into the next generation? Who Should Win: Goldberg. It€™s all about The Streak baby. Goldberg is not going to lose to anyone for the forseeable future, let alone a WWF guy. The Rock can lose one night, get a microphone the next, and instantly regain all of his heat. If Golberg were to lose, he would lose all of his credibility. If and when Gold berg ever loses, it will be to someone who has A TON to gain from a win. This will be someone who the company views as his winning to be more important than Goldberg finally losing. It will be someone who is going to be THE star for years to come. It will not be to The Rock, though Rock does have more longevity in the business. But Goldberg winning is better for business.
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Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.