WWF WrestleMania 14: 10 Things We Learned

4. The Kane and Undertaker Feud Is Nowhere Near Over

The Undertaker finally defeated his demons by taking on his younger brother Kane at WrestleMania 14. It was an incredible battle and it took 3 Tombstone Piledrivers to put Kane away. Let me repeat- 3 freakin€™ tombstones! And even after the third, Kane kicked out just after the 3 count took place. He then proceeded to attack Undertaker, which showed the world that this rivalry is far from over. Which is a good thing. The Undertaker hasn€™t been this interesting since his debut, and Kane is one of the best creations that the WWF has ever come up with. I could watch these guys wrestle a hundred times and not get bored by it. Perhaps their next match will feature a stipulation that if Kane loses, he has to unmask. That alone would be worth the price of the Pay Per View.

Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.