WWF WrestleMania 14: 10 Things We Learned

3. Mike Tyson Was A Good Investment

Truth be told, Mike Tyson didn€™t really do a whole lot at WrestleMania 14. He stood outside the ring, made the 3 count in the match, and knocked out Shawn Michaels. A cool thing, to be sure, but most people expected some sort of confrontation between Tyson and Austin. Instead, they threw us a curveball by revealing that Austin and Tyson were on the same team all along. It wasn€™t nearly as exciting as the prospect of a dream match between the two toughest men in sports, but ya know what? It was still awesome. Think of all the press that Tyson gave WrestleMania 14! It was all over network television. Stone Cold Steve Austin became a household name, not just to wrestling fans. Mike Tyson was definitely worth the investment and I can€™t wait to see what they do with him next.

Nick Perkins wrote the book of love. He also writes/has written for publications such as MTV, Wrestlezone, Batman On Film and more. He is a copywriter by day, interesting stuff-writer by night. He fancies himself a Mad Men but he doesn't drink, smoke or cheat on his wife. So basically, he wears a suit and works for an ad firm.